We are here. Your Jakob team in Switzerland
We are reorganizing our sales areas in Switzerland. This will enable us to continue to serve our customers and growing markets with the usual Jakob quality.

Your trust has allowed us to successfully support many projects and customers in Switzerland. Our Architecture and Hoisting & Lifting Technology divisions are growing steadily, which makes us very happy. As our orders grow, so do the needs of our customers and the requirements of the market. We want to position ourselves even better for this.
Architecture sales territories reorganized
Jakob Rope Systems will continue to be a reliable and uncomplicated partner for your projects in the future. That is why we are reorganizing our sales territories for architecture in Switzerland:
- Architecture Region East: Central and Eastern Switzerland, Ticino
- Architecture Region West: Western Switzerland, Central Plateau, Valais
This regional division allows us to support you more easily and directly with your projects.
What does that mean for you?
- Direct contact: Your trusted contact person will guide you through your entire project and is also available to answer any additional questions you may have.
- Competent management: Our Head’s of Sales are at your disposal with a wealth of experience and expertise for all questions regarding our cooperation.
- Simple order processing: We ensure that your requests are processed quickly and easily.
- Trust and quality: You can rely on our high quality and reliability from the very first project.
Our Architecture Region East sales team:
Dominic Klossner (Head of Sales East Region), Christoph Aeschbacher, Janik Baumann, Eliane Schnider, Niklaus Jordi, Danja Kunz, Flurina Haag.
Our Architecture Region West sales team:
Samuel Zürcher (Head of Sales West Region), Luzia Reber, Sascha Regli, Martina Wicki, Beat Wyss, Melanie Niederhauser, Hans Beyeler (not in the photo).
Our Hoisting & Lifting Technology sales team:
There are no changes in the area of Hoisting & Lifting Technology. Your contacts will remain responsible for the whole of Switzerland.
Alfred Beer, Philipp Brechbühl, Ivan Brechbühl, Lydia Lazar, Claudia Wüthrich, Julia Berger, Aline Schneider, Azelina Staerkle. Not in the photo: Urs Schneider (Head of Hoisting & Lifting Technology), Marcel Meier.