Services for hoisting and lifting
Moving, lifting, tensioning, securing. Expert advice on ropes and cables for all application areas, personal safety gear and safety nets. Regular control and maintenance of your lifting gear and quick repair services for your safety.

Production and assemblies
For more than hundred years, we produce fiber ropes of natural and synthetic fibers and for more than fifty years wire ropes in our own production facilities in Switzerland. We offer comprehensive advice which rope and which construction fits your purpose and produce special constructions according to your demands.

Consulting and training
The old rope craft has today become a sustainable technology. Ropes convince through their economy and efficiency in a multitude of applications, whether in architecture, construction, industry or forestry. But not all ropes are the same: thanks to a variety of construction methods as well as modern and traditional materials, ropes can be adapted to their respective purpose. We will advise you which rope is perfectly suited to your needs.
We conduct regular training courses on the use of our products. We inform users about the proper use of our products and pass on our experience.

Assembly and splicing work
We stand up for the future of the traditional rope trade. Our specially trained installation personnel carry out all necessary installation and splicing work on mountain railways.

Rope and Cable Monitoring and Testing
Even the best ropes must be checked regularly. This helps to detect faults early on and to extend the service life of your ropes, chains and belts, and makes your business more economical. We offer you advice and testing of your ropes and cables.

Lifting Gear Inspection
Where occupational safety is concerned, there can be no compromises. Our lifting gear inspection makes your work easier. We check your slings, arrange for necessary repairs and replace parts that are ready for retirement, either at your site or in our production facilities, as required.
With the Jakob Safety System you always have an overview of the testing and documentation of your wire ropes, belts, chain slings etc. - conveniently via smartphone.

Safety Net Testing and Safety Harnesses
We know the relevant standards and regulations in the field of safety nets and offer you a wide range of suitable nets. We check and repair damaged fibre rope nets in our own production facilities.

Rental Service Habegger
Rent your rope hoist for a certain period of time. Flexible and without large investments. The rental equipment can be collected from Jakob Rope Systems in Trubschachen. On request, we can also arrange transport on site. Book easily by phone or email.
Rental Service Habegger (PDF) Contract Rental Service (PDF) DYNAROPE Tractel (PDF)