29. January 2021
Jakob Rope Systems and Seilerei Wüstner united
Austrian Seilerei Wüstner becomes fully a part of Jakob Rope Systems.
For almost 30 years, Seilerei Wüstner is the exclusive distributor of Jakob stainless steel products in Austria. Founded in 1880, Seilerei Wüstner itself looks back on a history of more than 140 years. Together, the two companies realized numerous projects in Austria and beyond, such as the bridge on the OMV headquarters on top of Vienna.
Since 1 January 2021, Seilerei Wüstner is fully owned by Jakob Rope Systems. Customers in Austria can enjoy the full range of services and products offered by Jakob Rope Systems. The Wüstner team in Mellau continues to be the competent contact for Jakob customers in Austria.